I personally like Firefox the browser, but an indisputable fact that it is becoming more and more slow. So the reasonable allocation of your Firefox browser? Being Firefox3.5 below summarizes the author of a comprehensive and safe use guidelines. The following configuration will be "different" and therefore proposes to create a new test data before the best!
Exit your Firefox and run "Firefox.exe-profilemanager", create a new account to experiment! After the following configuration armed your Firefox.
1, choose the best version
Windows users can choose, Firefox3.5.1 this version. Linux users can use Swiftfox.
2, opening a blank page, the default theme, minimize expand
Set home page to about: blank, choose the extension you feel necessary, and use the default theme! Recommended AdblockPlus or Flashblock to block ads!
3, optimal download configurations
Into the Options-> Main (Options -> Main), select an appropriate folder to store files downloaded Firefox. Check the downloaded automatically close the download window. In the Options-> Privacy (Options -> Privacy) option to turn off the following download history, custom settings history!
Close Download History
4, dealing with custom content types
Options-> Applications (Options -> Applications), modify the contents of the following types:
Setarchivefileslike.zip,. Rar, etc.toSaveFile.Useyourfavoritearchiveprogramseparatelytoopenthem. (Set Rar, zip file is opened)
SetPDFfilestoSaveFile.UseyourfavoritePDFreadertoseparatelyopenthem. (Set to open PDF form)
SetmailtotouseyourfavoritedesktopemailclientorGmail / Yahoowebmailaccount.Sorry, WindowsLive / AOLMailusers! (Set Email the desktop client)
ChangeWebFeedfromPreviewinFirefoxtoyourfavoriteRSSreader. (RSS Preview the best way to set the local program)
File type handling
The configuration is very obvious, the local program to open these programs significantly faster than the browser!
5, increasing the size of your cache settings set to reduce the size of the history
In the Options-> Advanced-> Network (Options -> Advanced -> Network), will OfflineStorage (sizeofthediskcache) (off-line storage - cache size) is set to 150MB
Cache size
In the Options-> Privacy (Options -> Privacy), into the history of the custom, history will remember the number of days to 15 days!
Advanced Settings
6. Custom Advanced Options
In the Options-> Advanced-> General-> Accessibility in the following settings:
CheckSearchfortextwhenIstarttyping (input automatically retrieve)
UncheckUsesmoothscrolling (cancel smooth scrolling)
TurnoffspellcheckerifyouROTFLMAOonforumsanddon'taspiretobeawriter. Keepitonifyou'relookingforajob. (Close spelling retrieval - If you have a feature need to be open)
UncheckAlwayschecktoseeifFirefoxisthedefaultbrowseronstartup.OnWindows, setFirefoxasyourdefaultbrowserusingProgramAccessandDefaults. (Always check whether the cancellation of the default browser)
Advanced Settings
7. Remove the search engines do not use
Drop-down search engine search box, remove all non-popular search engine now!
Streamlining search engine
8. Clean up your bookmarks Live Bookmarks avoid
If you have bookmarked a lot of Firefox bookmarks, then one must use a lot of duplicate or invalid bookmark! With Firefox extensions CheckPlaces Let them remove them altogether! Firefox is the default real-time check for updates of your bookmarks will remove those who do not real-time previous day it should be read with a local RSS reader is much faster than this!
9. Enhance the performance of expansion
IfyoupreferaniceGUItotweakadvancedsettings, usetheseperformanceenhancingFirefoxextensions.IfyouaretheDIYtype, theseoptimizations (andmanymore) arecoveredinthenextsections.
There are some good GUI can help you strengthen your expansion and optimization of your Firefox, these things are self-service, users need to add, here are a few:
FasterFox3.8.1Liteisan (experimental) add-onthatletsyouchoosefromfourpresets (oruseacustomprofile) tooptimizeFirefox. (Optimized Firefox-test period)
TweakNetwork1.3allowsyoutochoosefromDefaultandPowerprofilesfortweakingnetworksettingsinFirefox. (Offers two modes to optimize your Firefox)
Advanced Configuration adjustments:
The following two are Firefox's advanced configuration - very easy to configure. In Firefox's address bar enter about: config, click I'llbecareful, Ipromise, you will enter Firefox safe mode, chose ResetalluserpreferencestoFirefoxdefaults, to cancel a number of settings before you do. Set in bold configuration allows the input and menu selection.
If you need to create a new project right click in the white space will appear in the list!
Configuration Editor
10. Senior browser settings
You can have the following recommended values or according to your habits to adjust settings.
accessibility.typeaheadfind.enablesound [Boolean]: ChangetoFalsetoavoidasoundalertifnomatchisfoundwhenyousearchfortext. ([Boolean] search results for the empty sound - the sound can be avoided to False)
alerts.totalOpenTime [Integer]: ReducetimetoshowDownloadCompletealertsto2000 (2seconds). ([integer] the prompt time after the download is complete - can be set to 2000 (2 seconds))
browser.bookmarks.max_backups [Integer]: Reducenumberofbookmarkbackupstospeedupshutdownfrom5to2. ([integer] bookmark backup settings - can be adjusted to between 2 to 5 in order to speed up the closing time)
browser.cache.disk.parent_directory [String]: MoveyourFirefoxcachetoadiskorpartitiondifferentfromyourWindowsdrivebyspecifyingthefolderpathhere. ([string] to adjust the cache path - easy to manage cache files)
browser.download.manager.openDelay [Integer]: Don'topenDownloadswindowforveryshortdownloads. Setto2000 (2seconddelay). ([integer] download window open short time - set to 2000 (2 seconds))
browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo [Integer]: Reducenumberofclosedtabsyoucanundofrom10to4. ([integer] you can reduce the recovery of closed tabs - set to be appropriate between 4 to 10)
browser.sessionstore.max_windows_undo [Integer]: Reducenumberofclosedwindowsyoucanundofrom3to1. ([integer] you can reduce the recovery window is closed - is set to 1 to 3 more appropriate)
browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab [Boolean]: ChangetoFalse, sothatFirefoxdoesn'taccidentallyshutdownwhenyouclosethelasttab. ([boolean] close the last tab Firefox is shut down - set to False)
browser.urlbar.maxRichResults [Integer]: ReducemaximumnumberofresultsinAwesomeBarfrom12to6. ([integer] the maximum number of open tabs - can be set to between 6 to 12)
dom.popup_maximum [Integer]: Reducemaximumnumberofsimultaneouspopupsfrom20to3or5. ([integer] the number of bomb box - is set to 3 or 5 to 20 more appropriate)
security.dialog_enable_delay [Integer]: Reducedelaytowaitbeforeinstallinganewextensionto1000 (1second). Settingtozeroisnotrecommendedbecauseofsecurityrisks. ([integer], before the wait time to install - set to 1000 (1 second) is appropriate - not recommended set to 0, there is a security risk)
11. Advanced Network Settings
Thesechangesarerecommendedforbroadbanduserswithatleasta2Mbps (256kB / s) connection.
The following configuration proposed above 2Mbps users!
network.dnsCacheEntries [Integer]: IncreasenumberofDNSentriescachedfromdefault20to512. ([integer] DNS cache size - the proposed set of 20 ~ 512)
network.dnsCacheExpiration [Integer]: IncreasenumberofsecondsDNSentriesarecachedfromdefault60to3600. ([integer] DNS cache time - set to 60 ~ 3600)
network.dns.disableIPv6 [Boolean]: DisableIPv6ifyourISPdoesn'tsupportit (mostdon't). ([boolean] IPV6 - False, if not supported)
network.http.max-connections [Integer]: Increasemaximumnumberofsimultaneousconnectionsto48or96. ([integer] the maximum number of connections - set more appropriate for the 48 ~ 96)
network.http.max-connections-per-server [Integer]: Increasemaximumconnectionsperserverfromdefault15to24. ([Integer] default link to the server the maximum - 15 ~ 24)
network.http.max-persistent-connections-per-server [Integer]: Increasemaximumpersistentconnectionsperserverfromdefault6to12. ([integer] the current connection to the server to connect the largest number of connections - 6 ~ 12)
network.http.pipelining [Boolean]: ChangetoTruetoenableHTTPPipelining. ([boolean] HTTP streaming - True set to enabled)
network.http.pipelining.maxrequests [Integer]: Increasefromdefault4to8. ([Integer] default - 4 ~ 8)
network.prefetch-next [Boolean]: ThisspecifieswhetherFirefoxpre-fetcheswebpages (andassociatedcookies) evenbeforeyouvisitthem.Itismostfrequentlyusedtopre-loadthefirstresultofaGooglesearch.Ifyouwanttoimprovesecurityanddon 'twantFirefoxtoloadpagesyouneveractuallyvisit, changethistoFalse.SeetheFAQformoreinformation. ([boolean] whether the pre-load the page - Recommended Make False)
12, restart your Firefox bar
After the above configuration, how kind you are not almost be a different Firefox has it, please use your timely feedback information! Xiaobian will be the first to answer! (Contact information, see the software page Contact)
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